10 research outputs found

    Phase II clinical trial with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (Caelyx/ Doxil) and quality of life evaluation (EORTC QLQC30) in adult patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma. Sarcoma 2005; 9

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    Abstract Background: Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD), a formulation with pharmacokinetic differences with respect to doxorubicin (DXR), might benefit patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma (STS) pretreated with DXR. Patients and methods: Patients with measurable and progressive STS received PLD at 35 mg/m 2 every 3 weeks. Quality of life before and during treatment was assessed with EORTC QLQ-C30. Results: Twenty-eight patients, 22 DXR-pretreated, were given 140 cycles (median 3, range 1-18). Activity in 27 patients (5 GIST): one complete and one partial remission (both non-GIST and without prior DXR), 12 stabilizations and 13 progressions (response rate 7.4%, 95% CI: 0-17%). Grade 3 toxicity: palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia (19% of patients), stomatitis (4%) or cutaneous (4%). Neutropenia grade !3 was detected in 16% of patients. Median relative dose intensity was 95%. Progression-free rate at 3 and 6 months was, respectively, 48 and 22%, median progression-free survival 5.8 months and median overall survival 8.7 months. QLQ-C30 at baseline and at weeks 6-11 in 23 and 13 patients, respectively, showed good reliability and validity. Quality of life did not seem to worsen during therapy. Conclusions: PLD did not induce objective remissions in 22 STS patients pretreated with DXR, but progression-free rate figures support the use of this agent in patients who have not progressed under a DXR-containing regimen. The toxicity observed was comparable to that of other PLD schedules

    Building a Gold Standard Dataset to Identify Articles About Geographic Information Science

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    To know the overall regional or international scientific production is of vital importance to many areas of knowledge. Nevertheless, in interdisciplinary areas such as Geographic Information Science (GISc) it is not enough to just count papers published in specific journals. Most of them, as is the case of the International Journal of Remote Sensing (IJRS), welcome GISc papers but are not exclusive to that area so the production assignable to authors in the region must consider not only affiliation but also whether or not each paper falls into the theme of GISc. IJRS publishes far more papers than any other GISc journal, so it is important to assess quantitatively how many of them are of GISc. In this work, a representative sample of IJRS articles published over a period of almost 30 years was analyzed using a specific GISc definition. With these data, a manual classification methodology through a set of experts was carried out, and a dataset was built, analyzed, and statistically tested. As a result we estimate that between 47 and 76% of the IJRS articles can be considered from GISc, with a confidence level of 95%. Aside from the primary goal, this set could be used as a gold standard for future classification tasks. It constitutes the first GISc dataset of this kind, that may be used to train artificial intelligence systems capable of performing the same classification automatically and in a massive way. A similar procedure could be applied to other interdisciplinary fields of knowledge as well

    Techniques for highlighting relief on orthoimaginery

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    In cartographic products such as shaded relief maps or orthoimagery, the direction of illumination can cause a perceptual phenomenon called terrain reversal effect where the depressions appear as peaks and vice versa. This is the case for predominantly north-oriented shaded relief maps and geographic imagery in the northern hemisphere. The problem is a troubling one for distinguishing three-dimensional spatial relationships between the landforms, photo interpretation, and possibly for image classification tasks. Rotating the image or creating a negative of it seems to reverse the spatial relationships back to the intended representation, however these are poor solutions. The former discards the familiarity of the north-orientation and is prone to confuse the viewer, and latter modifies the color information in such a fundamental way that it is nearly impossible to tell the natural features apart. Currently there are only a few technical solutions that address this issue. With this paper, we contribute a range of techniques that explore the possibility of merging a perceptually-driven adjustment of a hill shading model with the orthoimagery to visualize the depth information in a perceptually correct manner

    Defining a Repository-Catalogue of Styles (SLD) for Cartographic Depiction of Geographic Features as Normalized by Different Organizations

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    El presente artículo trata sobre la definición de un repositorio-catálogo de estilos aplicables a la representación cartográfica de los distintos fenómenos geográficos, basándose en la simbología normalizada de las distintas Organizaciones Cartográficas, tales como el Instituto Geográfico Nacional, el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, el Instituto Nacional de Estadística, etc. El catálogo permitirá una elección rápida y sencilla de los diversos estilos utilizados por dichos organismos oficiales. Se trata de definir un repositorio en el que almacenar los estilos individualizados aplicables a los fenómenos geográficos, en el que se disponga de la capacidad de insertar, borrar y actualizar nuevos estilos. El repositorio debe responder como catálogo sobre el que buscar y descargar estilos. Una de las aplicaciones del repositorio-catálogo es la generación de estilos en el formato Style Layer Descriptor (SLD) para ser visualizados mediante Servidores de Mapas en Red conformes con OGC.The present article deals with the definition of a repository-catalogue of styles applicable to the cartographic representation of different geographic features, based on the normalized symbols of the different Cartographic Organizations, such as «Instituto Geográfico Nacional», «Ministerio de Medio Ambiente», «Instituto Nacional de Estadística», etc. The catalogue will allow a quick, choice and a simple identification of the several styles used by these acknowledged institutions. We describe a repository for storage of the individualized styles applicable to the geographic features, in which the capability of insertion, deletion, and update of new styles is made available. The repository must act as a catalogue wherein style searching and downloading may be carried out. One of the applications of the repository-catalogue is the generation of styles in Style Layer Descriptor (SLD) format, in order for them to be visualized by means of Web Map Services according to OGC.Le présent article traite de la définition d’un répertoire-catalogue de styles applicables à la représentation cartographique des différents phénomènes géographiques, en se basant sur la symbolique normalisée des différentes Organisations Cartographiques, telles que l’Institut Géographique National, le Ministère de l’Environnement, le Institut National de Statistique, etc. Le catalogue permettra une élection rapide y simples des divers styles utilisés par les mentionnés organismes officiels. Il s’agit de définir un répertoire dans lequel se retrouvent les styles individualisés applicables aux phénomènes géographiques, en el que se dispose de la capacité de insertion, effacer y actualiser nouveaux styles. El répertoire doit répondre comme catalogue dans lequel chercher et décharger styles. Une des applications du répertoire-catalogue est la génération de styles dans le format StyleLayerDescriptor (SLD) pour être visualisé à travers des Serveurs de Cartes du Réseau conformément à OGC

    Sunshine around the middle Earth: relief inversion less prevalent in satellite images in the near-south of the Equator than on the Equator

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    ABSTRACTInverted depth perception in satellite images is a well-known phenomenon. It has been previously verified that the illusion is prevalent in Northern Hemisphere (NH) images, while it is observed in Southern Hemisphere (SH) images to a much smaller extent. However, the equatorial zone has not been examined despite its interesting geometric position in relation to the Sun and satellite orbits. We present a user study (n = 313) in which participants were asked to identify landforms on 16 satellite images from the equatorial region. Our main findings are: (a) surprisingly, on the equatorial line and roughly ±1° of it in either direction, the results are consistent with the NH images; (b) instead, the expected variation/ambiguity occurs with the images 2–5° south of the Equator. These outcomes imply that based on illumination alone, the ‘middle’ (i.e. the Equator) might be somewhat more south from the perspective of the studied illusion. The observed effect surpasses various individual and group differences such as biological sex, expertise and education levels. Landcover cues such as snow, vegetation etc. do not appear to moderate the observed effect either. Our observations contribute towards a better understanding of the causes and prevalence of the relief inversion illusion